HELP CHILD, is a unit of Help Child Charitable Trust registered under Societies & Income Tax Act. It is a Non- Governmental Organization (NGO), functioning since 1994. The center was started with an aim to help children with various learning problems and provide assistance to their parents.
The centre is specialized in working for school children with Specific Learning Difficulty (SLD) and its associated problems. Many parents found their children are brilliant in all activities, but inconsistent in classroom / academic performance. These children lack concentration in classroom activities, avoid learning situations at home and lack of interest in writing. The children who have specific learning problems are normal in all spheres of life, except in their studies.
We provide a holistic approach towards identification and management of these children. The skills and assistance we provide during the program are:
- Developmental Case History
- Psychological Assessment (includes IQ, Memory, Attention & Concentration etc.)
- Learning Difficulty Assessment
- Parent Students Counselling
- Closely Monitored Teaching
- Behavior Modification for problems like examination fear, school refusal and aggressiveness
- Application of Arts & Craft skills to improve the motor coordination
- Phonetic drills using Multimedia, Comprehension, Quiz Programs, Dramatics, etc.
- Formulate Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for Remedial Teaching
- Periodical Review Meeting with the parents and Help Child team
- Remedial Teaching Package Programs during the summer holidays for out-station Children with SLD
- Organize Awareness programs on SLD, ADHD and related problems for Parents, Teachers and Health Professionals
- Screening program to identify SLD, ADHD in school children
- Certificate Course on LD for Parents, Teachers and Health Professionals